Fall 2022 at IIT Gandhinagar
The notes for the lecture of Nov 22 are here.
[These notes keep changing. When some of you point out mistakes and “typos”, I correct them. Please look at these notes frequently and let me know when you discover something that doesn’t fit. More notes would be put inside the page Lecture Notes. ](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/988563cf-ea2e-4db1-8e82-ab5f59f9ae6b/2022Oct_18_-_21.pdf)
These notes keep changing. When some of you point out mistakes and “typos”, I correct them. Please look at these notes frequently and let me know when you discover something that doesn’t fit. More notes would be put inside the page Lecture Notes.
<aside> 👤 Instructor: Gadadhar Misra Contact: [email protected]
<aside> 👤 TA: Shreema Subhash Bhatt
Contact: [email protected]
<aside> 📌 You can download the course plan here:
<aside> 🖇️ Schedule